Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Saving CeeCee Honeycutt Read-Along Day 13

Read-Along Day 13:    Chapters 25-26 pg.  253-271

Happy Wednesday!  We are halfway through the week and only two days from finishing the book.  I hope you are enjoying the reading, there are a few laugh out loud moments that I absolutely loved.

Discussion Starters:

  1. Momma tells CeeCee that “Oysters are a lot like women. It’s  how we survive the hurts in life that brings us strength and gives us our beauty”. Does this seem ironic coming from someone whose life was tragic?
  2. CeeCee realizes that Southern hospitality has two levels, it comes from the heart, but is also a practiced social art passed on through generations. What did this remind her about her mother?
  3. How is CeeCee’s distance from Oletta healed?

Other comments on this section...

For tomorrow we will be reading Chapters 27-28 pg.  272-290

***Please note that page numbers come from the paperback version of the book.  Other versions may have different page numbers.  

How the Read-Along Works

Each day we will read a section of the book Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman together. After reading each section, please feel free to comment, and add your thoughts about the book. The more input, the better this works! Comment as little or as much as you want, and feel free to stray from the discussion starters if you have something else about the book you really want to discuss. Most importantly, have fun as we read this book together!

Author Visit - Beth Hoffman
Friday, October 19, 2012, 7:00 p.m. at IUK Havens Auditorium

Saving CeeCee Honeycutt author Beth Hoffman will be in Kokomo on Friday, Oct. 19, to talk about her novel and answer your questions. She will sign books after the event, which begins at 7:00 p.m. at Indiana University Kokomo Havens Auditorium. Tickets are free, but you must have one to attend. Pick up your tickets beginning on Sept. 1 at any KHCPL location, the Greentown Public Library, or the IUK Library.

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