Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Read-Along: Part Three

Part 3:   "Lake View (1986)" through "Jamaican Ginger (1942)" pages 41-60.

So what do you think of our story so far?  Are you enjoying the read-along?  Feel free to comment and let us know what you think!

Discussion Starters:

  1. Henry buys his mother starfire lilies and also leaves them on the grave of his wife.  What do you think is the significance of the flower?

  2. Why do you think Henry leaves the quarter on Ethel's grave?

  3. Why do you think Henry does not tell his parents about the bullying going on at school?

  4. Why do you think Jazz is so important to Henry?

  5. Whatdo you think Keiko means when she says; "You are Chineses, aren't you Henry?"
Other comments on this section...

For tomorrow we will be reading "I am Japanese (1986)" through "Marty's Girl (1986)" pages 61-81.  Hope to see you all back tomorrow!

How the Read-Along Works

Each day we will read a section of the book Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford together.  After reading each section, please feel free to comment, and add your thoughts about the book.  The more input, the better this works!  Comment as little or as much as you want, and feel free to stray from the discussion starters if you have something else about the book you really want to discuss.  Most importanly, have fun as we read this book together!

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